Action Alert: Ask Your State Senator to Support Service and Volunteerism

Published on
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Here we go again! Unfortunately the Senate Ways & Means budget recommendations for FY2025 that were released last week only included $1.2M for MSA’s line item (7003-1206). As with the Governor’s budget and the original House proposal this is a harsh $1M cut. We were able to get a bit of a bump in the final House budget ($1.4M) but it’s not nearly enough. The cut of $1M will significantly impact MSA’s ability to cover programmatic cost increases, to expand programming in historical under-resourced communities, to provide increased support for Commonwealth Corps members, and to continue leveraging federal funds.

But here’s how you can help!

We're thankful that our strong partner in the Senate -  Senator Susan Moran - filed an amendment last Friday requesting full restoration of our line item back to $2.2M. We are now urging board members to contact your State Senator by Friday, May 17 and ask them to sign on as a cosponsor and voice their support to Amendment #342.

You can do this by:

  • Finding your legislators and their contact info using Find My Legislator.
  • Using or revising this email template to ask them to co-sponsor the amendment and advocate for MSA when speaking with Senate leadership.

With your help, we're confident this amendment will pass — and that we'll be able to continue our work of supporting organizations across the Commonwealth for the next fiscal year and beyond. Thank you for supporting service and volunteerism!

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